ICE Project - Arctic Expo Centre Nuclear Powered Icebreaker Lenin

The Arctic has become the focus of the world during the last decade. An emerging interest for the Arctic can be seen in relation to natural resources such as oil and gas reserves, mineral extraction and also the Arctic as a new transportation corridor between Europe and Asia. A common denominator for this new interest is ice. The Arctic region has experienced a diminishing ice cover due to climate change. As a result the Arctic is now seen as a region with new possibilities.

The ICE project focuses on the Arctic through icebreakers and icebreaking. Russia has the world’s only nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet that was built to assist the development of the Russian Arctic. Icebreaker Lenin was the first nuclear-powered icebreaker in the world and today a new generation of icebreakers is under construction.

One aim of the project is to develop a common exhibition element that will be shared between the exhibition venues in Russia, Finland and Norway. This element will be focusing on the ecology of the Arctic Ocean highlighting polar bear as a symbol of extreme adaptation and climate change vulnerability.

The overall objective of the ICE project is to develop new science centre exhibitions and to facilitate for a better mutual understanding of local and cross-border concerns. The goal is to raise awareness on issues related to the Arctic marine environment, local development, climate change, globalization and the future of the region.

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