Today, Seminar in Brussels: the EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU.


“Richard Tibbels (Richard Tibbels, Head of the Eastern Partnership, Regional Cooperation and OSCE Division at the European External Action Service), Erkki Tuomioja (Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland), Hannu Halinen (Arctic Ambassador of Finland), Alan Bowman (Deputy Head of Mission at the Mission of Canada to the European Union) and Lars Anders Baer (Senior member of the Working Group of Indigenous Peoples on the Barents Euro-Arctic Council) take part in the opening session of “The EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU” seminar in Brussels, Belgium, 11 September 2014."“Richard Tibbels (Richard Tibbels, Head of the Eastern Partnership, Regional Cooperation and OSCE Division at the European External Action Service), Erkki Tuomioja (Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland), Hannu Halinen (Arctic Ambassador of Finland), Alan Bowman (Deputy Head of Mission at the Mission of Canada to the European Union) and Lars Anders Baer (Senior member of the Working Group of Indigenous Peoples on the Barents Euro-Arctic Council) take part in the opening session of “The EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU” seminar in Brussels, Belgium, 11 September 2014."

In the opening policy session of the seminar, four keynote speakers will present their unique perspectives of the Arctic, after which, a number of experts will lead engaging discussions on the important ongoing developments in the region. In the afternoon, members of the EUAIC consortium will present the results of the project’s insightful assessments, and examine information and communication gaps about the Arctic. The consortium will also present a compendium that outlines current Arctic initiatives and projects going on in European countries.

Understanding the EU’s impact on the Arctic starts with an efficient and effective use of scientific and fact-based information. Combining this scientific understanding with Arctic stakeholders’ in-depth knowledge and experience is crucial in properly addressing the challenges the Arctic will face. Only by effectively applying this information and engaging stakeholders from all backgrounds and levels (local, regional and global) can one fully comprehend the complexity of the changes happening in the Arctic and create a roadmap for the sustainable development of the region.The EU aims to be on the front lines when it comes to fostering sustainable Arctic development. By combining the different viewpoints of a wide variety of Arctic stakeholders, the EU-funded “Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of development of the Arctic” project has helped to clarify some of the most important Arctic development trends. This seminar will discuss the role of the EU in the Arctic, as well as the role of the Arctic in the EU. It will investigate information-sharing, policy-making and decision-making with the aim of further bridging current gaps between the Arctic and the EU.


See the whole program of the seminar from the website.



Mogherini and Tusk election


(Source: Gettyimages) (Source: Gettyimages) The European Council decided today to elect Donald Tusk as President of the European Council, and to appoint Federica Mogherini as High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
The President of the European Council is elected for the period from 1 December 2014 until 31 May 2017. The mandate of two and a half years of the President of the European Council is renewable once. Donald Tusk was also appointed President of the Euro Summit, for the same period.
The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy is appointed for the period from the end of the current term of office of the Commission until 31 October 2019.

The appointment was made in agreement with the President-elect of the Commission. The President of the Commission, the High Representative and the other members of the Commission will be subject as a body to a vote of consent by the European Parliament.

Source: European Council Press Release. Read more here.



Gap Analysis Report

A new report on Arctic information and communication needs (“Gap Analysis Report”) has been released as part of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of development of the Arctic Preparatory Action project, funded by DG Environment of the European Commission. The Gap Analysis Report was led by Ecologic Institute in partnership with the European Science Foundation, National Research Council of Italy, Sámi Education Institute, and Tromsø Centre for Remote Sensing.

The report identifies, analyzes, and illustrates the Arctic information needs of stakeholders and policy-makers and offers recommendations on ways to improve knowledge and to improve two-way communication between information providers and users. It highlights information and communication gaps and major Arctic trends throughout a number of thematic areas and human needs in the Arctic. The Gap Analysis Report also assesses how an EU Arctic Information Centre (EUAIC) could improve information provision and communication.

“The Gap Analysis Report demonstrates that Arctic stakeholders not only desire new information, but also seek better, coordinated access to existing information sources, which a network of expert institutes operating as an EU Arctic Information Centre could help facilitate,” said Elizabeth Tedsen, Fellow at Ecologic Institute.

“The Arctic has become of global interest during the past few years, and it is important that images, decisions, and policies regarding the development of the region are based on best available information,” commented Professor Paula Kankaanpää,  Director of the Arctic Centre and Principal Investigator on the Preparatory Action.

While the report’s recommendations in the context of the Preparatory Action were necessarily limited due to its broad thematic focus, it should be seen as a building block for future efforts, including for subject-specific recommendations that draw from the wealth of knowledge of Arctic stakeholders.





Brussels, 11 September 2014


Опубликован «Сборник арктических инициатив Европейского Союза»


European Union Arctic Initiatives Compendium European Union Arctic Initiatives Compendium Публикация «Сборника арктических инициатив Европейского Союза» (CompendiumonEuropeanUnionArcticInitiatives) стала частью анализа осуществимости Арктического информационного центра Европейского Союза. Сборник, подготовленный совместной редакцией Шведского секретариата полярных исследований и Арктического центра Университета Лапландии, представляет ключевые инициативы Европейского Союза в арктических регионах.

«Сборник арктических инициатив Европейского Союза» включает в себя программы, проекты и политические инициативы, предпринятые государствами-членами и организациями, действующими внутри стран Европейского Союза (ЕС), а также мероприятия, которые проводят европейские страны, такие как Норвегия и Исландия, и территории, как Гренландия, и которые имеют большое значение в контексте европейской Арктики. Во многих случаях они напрямую связаны с ЕС – как например, Европейская научно-исследовательская зона (ERA).

Составлением сборника руководил Шведский секретариат полярных исследований:

«Мы рассматриваем сборник как исходную точку для понимания текущей роли и вклада ЕС в Арктику, что важно для подготовительного этапа в целом», – отметил Бьорн Дальбэк (BjörnDahlbäck), генеральный директор секретариата.

«Мы встречались с представителями ЕС в Брюсселе, чтобы глубже понять огромное количество связей между ЕС и Арктикой», – сказала Лиза-Мари ван дер Ватт (Lize-Marié vanderWatt), менеджер проекта в Шведском секретариате полярных исследований, добавив – «Для нас было также важно включить инициативы, которые имеют отношение к Европейской Арктике, но не упоминают Арктику как таковую, как в случае с региональными программами скандинавских муниципалитетов на крайнем севере».

Паула Канкаанпяа (PaulaKankaanpää), директор Арктического центра и руководитель подготовительного проекта, считает, что «Сборник является хорошим примером того, как можно использовать знания всех партнеров сети для создания более широкой, европейской картины».

Составление сборника стало ключевым шагом в проведении анализа для оценки эффективности и устойчивости сети ведущих полярных исследовательских центров и университетов, специализирующихся на проблемах Арктики. Сеть должна способствовать информационному обмену между институтами ЕС, вовлеченными сторонами вАрктике и широкой общественностью в Европе.  Анализ осуществимости, в свою очередь, является частью подготовительного этапа Стратегической оценки развития в Арктике, которую курирует Генеральный директорат по вопросам окружающей среды, а руководит реализацией Арктический центр Университета Лапландии.

Сборник помогает найти недавние и текущие инициативы по межсекторальному принципу. Таким образом, он может использоваться различными субъектами внутри Европейской Комиссии, а также европейскими институтами, заинтересованными в налаживании сотрудничества.

Сборник можно скачать с вебсайта



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