Volume 1: Thesis (title page, pages i-xii, 1-496) |
Declarations |
i |
Abstract |
ii |
Preface |
iii |
Table of contents |
vii |
1 Introduction |
1 |
2 Northwest European (Norse) mediaeval and early modern coastal whaling: Key concepts; previous and present research and approach |
5 |
2.1 Human ecology; maritime adaptations; peasant fishermen |
5 |
2.2 European and Norse whaling history |
8 |
2.3 Concepts and definitions: 'Activity', 'tradition', 'history', 'whaling tradition', 'whaling culture'; time frame of thesis |
15 |
2.4 Introductory and standard literature |
17 |
2.5 Time frame; approach to peasant fisherman whaling, and methodology |
18 |
3 Cetaceans in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean; marine mammal products |
27 |
3.1 Cetaceans in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean |
27 |
3.3 Marine mammal products |
29 |
4 Littoral and inshore legal régimes, whales and whaling |
34 |
4.1 Synopsis |
34 |
4.2 Norse littoral and inshore legal régimes relating to whales and whaling: The framework |
34 |
4.3 Allodial, Roman and feudal law; littoral and inshore régimes |
40 |
4.4 Anglo-Saxon, Norman, English and Scottish littoral and inshore régimes; royal fish |
45 |
4.5 Norse farm system; commons, inshore and littoral régime in Norway |
54 |
4.6 Shetlandic farm system; Udal littoral régime of Orkney and Shetland; whale divisions |
62 |
4.7 Foreshore and whales in Danish law . |
73 |
4.8 Allodial inshore régime in Sweden |
75 |
4.9 Norse farm appurtenences |
75 |
4.9.1 Pertinencies (hlunnendi), in general; servitude pertinences (ítök) |
75 |
4.9.2 Fishing/hunting, driftage; alienation of pertinences |
81 |
4.9.3 'Driftage'/'coming' (reki): wreck proper, drift wood, fish driftage, 'whale coming'/'whale driftage' |
85 |
4.10 Faeroese laws, regulations and littoral régime |
89 |
4.11 Icelandic laws, regulations and littoral régime |
92 |
4.12 Norse Greenlandic law and whaling regulations |
96 |
4.13 Comparison of Norwegian and Icelandic littoral and inshore régimes; primal Norse littoral and inshore régime |
97 |
5 Cetology: Norse views, knowledge and perceptions of cetaceans |
102 |
5.1 Synopsis |
102 |
5.2 Cetology, in general |
102 |
5.3 Prehistoric to early mediaeval Norwegian cetologgy |
104 |
5.3.1 Etymology of hvalr, hval, Wal, quhail(l), whale |
104 |
5.3.2 Prehistoric Norwegian rock art |
105 |
5.3.3 Animal style, World Serpent and whales 108 |
5.4 Greek-Roman, mediaeval and modern cetology; Physiologus/bestiaries |
115 |
5.5 Early 17th century Basque-English cetology |
117 |
5.6 Norse mediaeval nomenclature, classification and taxonomy of cetaceans and pinnipeds: Previous research; present approach; |
122 |
5.7 Literary sources relevant to Norse cetology |
138 |
5.7.1 Old English Orosius (late 9th century AD) |
138 |
5.7.2 Historia Norwegiæ (end 12th century AD) |
138 |
5.7.3 Hvalaþulur (13th century AD) |
140 |
5.7.4 Konungsskuggsjá (mid 13th century AD) |
140 |
5.7.5 Scholars, 14th-18th century |
143 | Oddur Einarsson (1588/89); Gísli Oddsson (1638) |
143 | Jón Guðmundsson lærði (1639-1644) |
145 | Peder Hansen Resen (ca 1688); Thormod Torfæus (1706-1719) |
147 | Jón Ólafsson frá Grunnavík (1737) |
149 | Snorri Björnsson (1792) |
153 |
6 Identification of cetaceans and other marine beings in Norse sources |
155 |
6.1 Synopsis |
155 |
6.2 Identification of old Norse marine beings, mainly cetaceans |
155 |
K1 Hnýðingr |
156 |
K2 Hnísa |
160 |
K3 Leiptr |
161 |
K4 Vögnhvalr |
164 |
K5 Andhvalr/K6 svínhvalr |
169 |
K7 Hrafnhvalr |
176 |
K8 Hvítingr |
178 |
K9 Skjaldhvalr |
179 |
K10 Geirhvalr |
181 |
K11 Barðhvalr/K12 búrhvalr |
183 |
K13 Fiskreki |
188 |
K14 Sléttibaka |
199 |
K15 Hafurkitti |
202 |
K16 Hrosshvalr/K17 rauðkembingr |
205 |
K18 Náhvalr |
214 |
K19 Skeljungr |
215 |
K20 Norðhvalr |
216 |
K21 Reyðr |
217 |
K22 Hafgufa |
219 |
K33 Rostungr |
220 |
North Atlantic gray whale |
221 |
6.3 Concluding remarks |
227 |
7 Mediaeval to early modern Norse whale measures and appraisements |
229 |
7.1 Synopsis |
229 |
7.2 Norse mediaeval to early modern measures of marine mammal specimens |
231 |
7.3 Standard whale measures in old Norwegian and Icelandic legal sources |
238 |
7.3.1 Standard measures of cetaceans in old Norwegian legal sources |
238 |
7.3.2 Standard measures of cetaceans in old Icelandic legal sources |
239 |
7.3.3 Ancient Norse legal limits for whale appropriation |
241 |
7.4 Faeroese whale appraisement |
243 |
7.4.1 Faeroese appraisement of dolphins, pilot whales and bottlenose whales |
243 |
7.4.2 Fixed points in the Faeroese whale appraisement |
248 |
7.5 Norse whale appraisement scales |
252 |
7.5.1 A Norse 'whale ell' |
252 |
7.5.2 Whale division methods |
261 |
7.5.3 Faeroese whale appraisement scales |
264 |
7.5.4 Old Norse whale appraisement scale |
266 |
7.5.5 Origin of the whale appraisement *hvalsalin and skinn |
274 |
7.6 What is the origin of the Faeroese gyllin? |
277 |
7.7 Conclusion |
295 |
8 Ritual aspects in Norse whaling |
297 |
8.1 Ritual aspects in traditional whaling, in general |
297 |
8.2 Offerings to the old Norse god Njörðr for whales |
298 |
8.3 Returning of the whale's eyes |
304 |
8.4 Whale penises eaten in Iceland: Aphrodisiac - Norse phallic cult? . |
305 |
8.5 Conclusions |
307 |
9 Whale coming, driving and trapping |
309 |
9.1 Synopsis |
309 |
9.2 Natural strandings of cetaceans |
310 |
9.3 Drive hunting and trapping of cetaceans: Introduction, definitions and hypotheses |
311 |
9.4 Norse whale drives and trappings (including seining) |
318 |
9.4.1 Norse whale drives, in general |
318 |
9.4.2 Hvalrekstr ('Whale driving/coming') |
321 |
9.4.3 Norwegian laws and regulations pertaining to sealing, whaling, cetacean drive hunts, whaling creeks and whaling voes/garths |
324 |
9.5 Faeroes pilot whale hunt |
330 |
9.6 Norwegian whaling voes |
333 |
9.6.1 Skogsvåg whaling voe, Sotra, 16th-19th centuries |
333 |
9.6.2 Telavåg whaling voe, Sotra, 16th-19th centuries |
338 |
9.6.3 Straumøy whaling voe, Frøya, 1435 AD |
343 |
9.6.4 Vikna whaling voes, 1432/49 AD |
344 |
9.6.5 Other whaling voes |
346 |
9.7 Whale creek (hvalvík), whaling voe (hvalvágr) and whale garth (hvalgarðr) |
348 |
9.7.1 Hvalvík, hvalvágr: present state of research |
348 |
9.7.2 Norwegian Kvalvik and Kvalvåg farm names |
352 |
9.7.3 Kvalvåg and Kvalvik place name evidence in Norway, Iceland and Shetland, in general |
356 |
9.7.4 Hvalgarðr (whale garth) |
364 |
9.7.5 'To stake off' whaling voes; 'whale garths'; weirs, stockades; lattices; Stikholm |
365 |
9.7.6 Decline of whaling voes/garths in Norway |
374 |
10 Whaling with piercing weapons |
378 |
10.1 Synopsis |
378 |
10.2 Piercing weapons and whaling techniques |
379 |
10.2.1 Definitions: Lance, spear, harpoon and gaff |
379 |
10.2.2 Basque (Biscayan) whaling technique and whaling |
381 |
10.3 Norwegian and Norse whaling and sealing from prehistoric to modern times: State of research, open questions and hypotheses |
384 |
10.4 Seal, porpoise and dolphin harpooning tradition, from Mesolithic to modern times |
393 |
10.5 Spearing tradition of medium-sized and large cetaceans, from prehistoric, possibly Neolithic, times through the nineteenth century |
399 |
10.5.1 Harpooning or spearing of whales in prehistoric and mediaeval |
times in Norway? |
399 |
10.5.2 Ohthere from Hálogaland |
403 |
10.5.3 Icelandic and Norwegian mediaeval whaling by piercing weapons |
404 |
10.5.4 Mediaeval Norse hunting of blue,bowhead and other large whales |
413 |
10.5.5 Continuity in Icelandic whaling with piercing weapons and changes in terminology, ca 1250-1800 AD |
414 |
10.5.6 Seventeenth to nineteenth century Norwegian and Icelandic spear whaling and 'whale sticking' |
417 |
10.6 Harpoon whaling lines in mediaeval Norway and Iceland? |
420 |
10.7 Early mediaeval Norse and early modern Icelandic, Norwegian and Faeroese hand harpoon whaling |
426 |
10.7.1 Early mediaeval whaling by the Norse in Ireland and Normandy |
426 |
10.7.2 Icelandic, Norwegian and Faeroese harpoon whaling as from the early seventeenth century |
428 |
10.7.3 Norse harpoon whaling as from 1610; cooperating crews versus single-boat operation; origin of the harpoon whaling paradigm in Nordic whaling history |
436 |
10.8 Faeroese bottlenose whaling; Hiberno-Irish gaffing of black right whales, mid 11th century; gaffing as a primary whaling method |
441 |
11 Icelandic registered whaling shot marks (1634-1792), (spear) whalers; matching of registered and recovered shot marks (1634-1725) |
449 |
12 Norse whaling involving septicaemia bacillus (arrowing and spearing) |
461 |
12.1 Poison and 'poison whaling': Introduction and definitions |
461 |
12.2 Kodiak type 'poison whaling' |
462 |
12.3 Poison in the Norse area; West Norwegian 'poison whaling' |
465 |
12.4 Whaling at Skogsvåg, West Norway, involving septicaemia bacillus |
469 |
12.5 Pathogenesis in Icelandic spear whaling |
481 |
12.6 Pathogenesis in Norse arrow and spear whaling: Summary and conclusions |
483 |
13 Conclusions |
490 |
Volume 2, Part 1: Appendix (title page, pages i-v, 497-925) |
A.14 Nomenclature of scientific, historical and vernacular terms of cetaceans and pinnipeds in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean |
497 |
(A) Introduction |
497 |
(B) Index to current names |
503 |
(M) Mysticetes (baleen whales) |
505 |
(O) Odontocetes (toothed whales, including dolphins and porpoises) |
536 |
(P) Pinnipeds |
583 |
A.15 Legal sources: Extracts from, and draft translations (in part), and summaries of, original legal sources, in Old Norse, Dano-Norwegian, Scots, etc, concerning whaling and sealing604 |
A.15.1 Norway |
604 |
A.15.1.1 Older Gulathing Law, ca 1100 AD (GTL) |
604 |
A.15.1.2 Older City, or Mercantile, Law, late 12th century AD (ÆB) |
608 |
A.15.1.3 Older Frostathing Law, mid 13th century AD (FTL) |
609 |
A.15.1.4 Magnús Lagabœtir's National Code for Norway, 1274 AD (MLL) |
611 |
A.15.1.5 Christian 4's Norwegian Lawbook, 1604 (NLB) |
615 |
A.15.1.6 Christian 5's Norwegian Law, 1687 (NL, NLI [1779]) |
618 |
A.15.1.7 Norwegian Whaling Act, 1863 (NWA 1863) |
621 |
A.15.1.8 Mediaeval and modern Norwegian laws and regulations concerning cetacean drive hunts, whaling creeks and whaling voes/garths |
623 |
A.15.2 Iceland |
628 |
A.15.2.1 Chieftain Sæmundur Ormsson's district whale statute, ca 1245 AD (SæmOddsWS) |
628 |
A.15.2.2 Rosmhvalanes municipal whale statute, ca 1270 AD (RsmnWS) . 632A.15.2.3Jónsbók, 1281/1283 AD (JB) |
638 |
A.15.2.4 'Decree concerning the right to foreshore in Iceland', 4 May 1778 (Decree 1778) |
641 |
A.15.2.5 Ordinance concerning transported whale (flutningshvalur) in Iceland, 23 June 1779 (Ordinance 1779) |
643 |
A.15.3 Faeroe Islands |
644 |
A.15.3.1 Seyðabrævið, 1298 AD (SB 1298) |
644 |
A.15.3.2 Pilot Whaling Statutes 1832 and 1986 (GR 1832; GR 1986) . |
647 |
A.16 Excursuses |
650 |
A.16.1 List of errata, Lindquist 1993 . |
650 |
A.16.2 Biological key data of Northeast Atlantic cetaceans |
652 |
A.16.3 Danish Treasury memorandum and sysselmænd reports about whales and whaling in Iceland, 1778-1779 |
654 |
A.16.4 Whale names in Hvalaþulur, Skáldskaparmál (Edda), and Konungsskuggsjá |
665 |
A.16.5 Nordic ell measures |
669 |
A.16.6 Norse and German denominations of value (currencies) and reckoning |
672 |
A.16.7 Faeroese pilot whaling: Sources in draft translation |
677 |
A.16.8 Hvalvík and Hvalvágr place names: Extracts and summaries of definitions and explanations by Fritzner; Storm and Hertzberg; |
Rygh; Robberstad; Kjær; Collett; Sørensen; Nordby; Robberstad; Kolsrud; Johnsen; Sandnes and Stemshaug; Frøiland; and Wexelsen (in approximate chronological order) |
682 |
A.16.9 Old Norse fences, barriers, weirs, enclosures, traps, etc |
687 |
A.16.10 Sources relevant to 14th-19th spear and harpoon whaling in Norway, Iceland and the Faeroe Islands: Translated extracts and brief comments |
691 |
A.16.11 Björn Einarsson's travel description and Ólafur ísfirðingur's spear whaling, 1385 AD 720 |
A.16.12 Ropes and lines in the Norse area during the Middle Ages |
722 |
A.16.13 North Norwegian whaling, 17th-19th century, as described by H.D. Bratrein in Karlsøy og Helgøy bygdebok (1989-1992): Presentation and discussion |
726 |
A.16.14 Toggle and grommet harpoons in Norway and Iceland |
731 |
A.16.15 Concepts of djúp ('the deep'), marreinsbakki (subtidal slope) and garðr ('garth') in old Norse legal sources |
736 |
A.16.16 Faeroese driving and gaffing of northern bottlenose whales: |
739 |
(A) Faeroese driving and gaffing of northern bottlenose whales (proper evidence) |
739 |
(B) Accounts of the Suðuroy bottlenose whaling containing misconceptions (in logical order) |
741 |
A.16.17 West European whaling weapons in 16th century printed graphics, as described by K. Barthelmess and J. Münzig in Monstum horrendum (1991): Presentation and discussion |
744 |
A.16.18 Descriptions of the disease-causing whaling at Skogsvåg, Sotra, West Norway |
748 |
A.17 Calendars of diplomas, documents, annals, place names, etc, concerning whaling and sealing |
754 |
A.17.1 Calendars of unpublished source material: Orkney and Shetland: |
754 |
(A) Calendar and some tentative transcriptions of unpublished documents concerning cetaceans |
heir division in Orkney . |
754 |
(B) Calendar and some tentative transcriptions of unpublished documents concerning cetaceans and their division in Shetland |
764 |
A.17.2 Extracts from, and draft translations of, Icelandic annals concerning cetaceans |
and pinnipeds, ca 1200-1800 AD . |
772 |
A.17.3 Stated size (length) of Norse cetaceans |
and pinnipeds, 900-1900 AD (including identification keys to species in Konungsskuggsjá) |
856 |
A.17.4 Norwegian Hvalvágr and Hvalvík farm names, |
14th-18th century AD, according to Norske gaardnavne |
883 |
A.17.5 Hvalvágr and Hvalvík place names in Nordland, Troms and Finnmark counties, Norway, according to J. Qvigstad (1922) 888 |
A.17.6 Norwegian Hvalvágr and Hvalvík place names according to the current topographic main map series M711 (scale 1:50,000) |
889 |
A.17.7 Slate spear heads recovered off the Norwegian coast |
894 |
A.17.8 Whaling and sealing weapons and related terms in Icelandic diplomas and Althing records, 1250-1800 AD |
895 |
A.17.9 Whaling ('ironing'), whales and related driftage in (Northwest) Iceland according to the land register by Árni Magnússon |
and Páll Vídalín (JÁMPV), 1710 . |
900 |
A.17.10 Owner marks on Icelandic whaling shots, 17th-18th century AD |
908 |
Volume 2, Part 2: Appendix (title page, pages i-v, pages 926-1273) |
A.18 Literary and folkloristic sources: Extracts and translations concerning whaling (arranged alphabetically by source) |
926 |
Ælfric's Colloquy, ca 1005 AD |
928 |
Al-'Udhr, ca 1058 AD/al-Qazwn, before 1283 AD |
930 |
Ásgeirsson 1946 (and 1929) |
931 |
Ívar Bárðarson, ca 1350 AD |
940 |
Barsnes 1932 |
941 |
Barsnes 1935 |
944 |
Bartholin 1657 |
946 |
Blom 1825, 1830 |
947 |
Boie 1822 |
950 |
Brooke 1823, 1827 |
952 |
Brunchorst 1889 |
955 |
Colban 1814 |
956 |
Dass 1690s (1989) |
957 |
Edge 1611 and 1622 (Purchas 1906b; Edge 1906) |
958 |
Eiríksson 1768 |
962 |
Eiríksson 1781 |
966 |
Fellman 1820s |
969 |
Friis, P. Claussøn 1592 (1881e) |
971 |
Friis, P. Claussøn 1599 (1881a) |
972 |
Greve 1840 |
973 |
J. Guðmundsson lærði (1640-1644) |
975 |
Helland 1899; Thomassen (late 19th century) |
976 |
Helland 1921 |
977 |
Historia Norwegiæ (end 12th century) |
979 |
Høst 1875 |
980 |
Holmboe 1873 |
982 |
Horrebow 1752 |
983 |
Jakobsen 1984-1985 |
984 |
Knag 1694 (1938) and Anon [1694] (1938a) |
985 |
Kolsrud 1955 |
987 |
Konungsskuggsjá, 1240-1263 AD |
988 |
Kraft 1830 |
1002 |
Lilienskiold 1698 |
1003 |
Lilljeborg 1866 (1862) |
1008 |
Magnússon 1786 |
1009 |
Melchior 1834 |
1010 |
Nansen 1911 |
1011 |
Negri 1664 (1887) |
1012 |
Oddsson 1960 |
1013 |
Ohthere from Hálogaland, late 9th century AD |
1017 |
E. Olafsen [Ólafsson] 1772 |
1018 |
Olavius 1780 |
1023 |
Pontoppidan 1753 (1977) |
1024 |
Ryggi, Mikkjal (Dánjalsson) á Ryggi 1927 |
1025 |
Sørensen et al 1912; Rode 1826-1833 |
1026 |
Strøm 1762 1766 |
1029 |
Tarnovius 1669 (1950) |
1031 |
Thorsteinsson 1976 |
1032 |
A.19 Jón Ólafsson frá Grunnavík, Ichthyographia Islandica, 1737: Transcribed extracts (Danish and Icelandic) |
1033 |
(A) Jón Ólafsson's translation into Danish of Ichthyographia Islandica, 1737 (KBK, ms Rostgaard 111, 2): Tentative transcription of extracts1033 |
(B) Early 19th century copy of Jón Ólafsson's Ichthyographia Islandica in Icelandic, as edited by himself, 1737-1742 (LBS JS, ms 247, 4) |
1046 |
(Ba) Contents (in English and normalised Icelandic) |
1046 |
(Bb) Tentative transcription |
1046 |
A.20 Andreas Christie, 'Account of the whaling in Sotra district' (etc), West Norway, 1785/86: Transcription of the Dano-Norwegian text and translation of (rearranged) extracts |
1058 |
(A) Introduction |
1058 |
(B) Beretning om hvalfangsten i Sartors skibrede ('Account of the whaling in Sotra district'): Transcript of the Dano-Norwegian text |
1063 |
(C) 'Account of the whaling in Sotra district': Draft translation of extracts (rearranged) |
1086 |
(D) Reflections on arrow whaling and whale garths: Transcript of the Dano-Norwegian text |
1116 |
(E) Reflections on arrow whaling and whale garths: Draft translation with interspersed summaries |
1128 |
(F) On whales as fish drivers: Transcribed extracts in Dano-Norwegian from Om hvalfisket and Om fiskeriet |
1138 |
(G) Stuwitz 1830s: Transcribed extracts in Dano-Norwegian from comments added by the copyist of UBB ms 221, P. Stuwitz, in the 1830s |
1142 |
A.21 Remarks concerning details of the written presentation (discourse, appendices and bibliography) |
1144 |
A.22 Definitions and glossary |
1148 |
A.23 Acronyms and abbreviations |
1164 |
A.24 Bibliography |
1176 |
(A) Printed sources |
1176 |
(B) Periodicals and serial publications . |
1262 |
(C) Unpublished sources |
1268 |
Figures |
Figure 1: Approximate extent of various Norse law provinces in the Middle Ages and the theoretical route of a blue whale, recovered in Greenland with an identified shot, 1385 AD, |
35 |
Figure 2: Norwegian counties (fylker), 20th century, |
36 |
Figure 3: Icelandic counties: late mediaeval to modern sýslur, with modern subdivisions, |
37 |
Figure 4: Sketches of the inshore legal régimes in Iceland (4a), Norway (4b), and Orkney and Shetland (4c) since mediaeval |
times, - sketches, |
55 |
Figure 5: Hypothetical premordial Norse landward and seaward property régime, |
56 |
Figure 6: Sketches of the mediaeval to modern landward and seaward property régimes in Iceland (6a) |
and Norway (6b), |
57 |
Figure 7: Fishing panel of the so called Gosforth stone, from Gosforth, Cumbria, England (10th century AD), |
112 |
Figure 8: Whaling-spear head, as used by Matthías Ásgeirsson á Bauluhúsum, Arnarfjörður, Northwest Iceland, |
into the mid 1890s, |
112 |
Figure 9: Original whale appraisement rod from Vágar, Faeroe Islands, 1832, |
244 |
Figure 10: Whale appraisement scales, . |
245 |
Figure 11: Hvalvágr type place names in Norway, according to item A.17.6 (map series M711), |
360 |
Figure 12: Hvalvík type place names in Norway according to item A.17.6 (map series M711), |
361 |
Figure 13: Conjectural routes, in Iceland, of whales from place of spearing to place of recovery, 1657-1725, according to item A.17.10 (F), |
457 |
Figure 14: Example of page (f34r) in KBK ms Rostgaard 111, 2, |
1034 |
Figure 15: Example of page (37) in LBS-JS ms 247, 4, |
1047 |
Figure 16: Example of page (f43v) in UBB ms 56, |
1059 |
Figure 17: Example of page (f1r) in UBB ms 221, |
1060 |